Companies throughout the world try to diversify their portfolio by working on projects that are extraordinary. Projects with a unique appeal and the projects that set a record of some kind are usually the most appealing. These projects are usually awarded to the most qualified companies since there is likely going to be intense public interest. Therefore, the company wants to ensure the build goes as smoothly as possible, to garner respect from the people watching.
Phaze Concrete takes care of these sensitive and or high-profile projects often. Phaze Concrete is safe, professional, and knowledgeable. Plus, their current portfolio is also a marvel of their industry. Here are three of Phaze Concrete’s most unique projects.
Spaceport America
Located in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, Spaceport America is a commercialized space exploration facility. The facility boasts that this is the first endeavor of its kind and markets to the space exploration entrepreneur. It is a revolutionary concept that has helped distinguish a new form of space exploration. The military does not control this entity.
Phaze Concrete completed a contract with this build for 2.4 million dollars. Held in the highest regard, in both professionalism and privacy, this is an extremely high-profile contract. Being chosen for such a contract was game-changing for Phaze Concrete. Since the company needed such a precise build, in every aspect of the facility, the Spaceport only hired the best.
University of New Mexico
Teachers and family members are most likely to help children achieve their dreams. However, when UNM was built, Phaze Concrete quite literally played a role in building children’s futures. Garnering the honor of building a University is an astute accomplishment and Phaze Concrete can add it to their resume. Building a good portion of the University, inside and out, was a unique project for the company. Most buildings will surpass their builder’s lifespan. However, a University is iconic and special, in that the building itself is an entity of power and prestige. Creating a structure that means so much to so many people is a compelling achievement for Phaze Concrete.
West Valley Park
West Valley Park is an outdoor work of art, comprised of concrete, various rock, and shrubbery. This is a nice place for locals to walk around, as it is different. There are walking paths, bridges and statuesque structures that line the landscape, with covered benches and a futuristic look. The creativity Phaze Concrete was able to instill into this project makes it unique. Of course, many buildings allow for a level of creativity, but this project was full of it.
In summation, Phaze Concrete is proud of every project they undertake. Every build showcases their dedication to quality, timeliness and customer service. However, publicly and professionally, some projects are especially interesting. Phaze Concrete is grateful to have worked on such unique projects. They are always looking for new opportunities and anticipate adding more portfolio spotlights soon.
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