Phaze Concrete Offers Tips to Prolong the Structural Integrity of a Home During a Storm

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The threat of a storm or natural disaster often comes on quickly. Sadly, even with all our technological advancements, storms often come upon an unsuspecting house quickly. One day, everything is going well and the next, your family is worried about losing your home. It is a terrible predicament that modern science and technology have yet to be able to vanquish from our lives.

Fortunately, Phaze Concrete brings encouraging news. While no one can prevent a storm or disaster, there are ways to prolong the structural integrity of a home. Here are a few simple tips that families can do before the threat of a storm is near. That way, if there ever is a threat looming, you will know that you have done all you can.

Know Your Area

Know your enemy. When that comes to storms and natural disasters, it is important to know which threats are prone to your area. Research what threatens the area. For instance, California has earthquakes and mudslides. All coastal regions are prone to hurricanes. Various states have a greater threat of a tornado. By knowing what is most likely to occur, it is easiest to prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Keep Up on Yard Work

While the community HOA is the least of your worries during a storm, unkempt trees are not. When trees are trimmed and kept healthy, portions are less likely to fly off and hit your home. If a tree in your yard is dying, it might not take an awesome tragedy to knock it over. Therefore, it is always a good idea to keep anything large that can damage the structure of your home maintained. After all, the healthier and stronger trees and structures are, the more they will be able to endure.

Fortify Your Home

Once a person knows the threats, there are certain precautions they can take to protect the structure of their home. Here are a few key places that can be fortified long before there is ever a threat of a storm or natural disaster:

Roof: Always ensure the roof is in good condition. Plus, if the area warrants it, hurricane straps can help maintain the structural integrity of a home immensely.

Windows: Windows can be fortified with specialized glass. Plus, there are specific shades and screens that help reinforce the weaker areas of the home.

Garage Doors: Attaching braces to your garage doors to prevent wind from infiltrating the space is best for securing structural integrity. Wind inside and outside of garages create the right negative and positive pull to damage weaker portions of the house.

To close, Phaze Concrete wants people to know that evacuating in an emergency is the most important thing. The safety of yourself and your family is never worth the walls of a house during a storm. Yet, by following these tips, Phaze Concrete assures homeowners that they are taking the only steps they can. There is no way to prevent tragedy. The only thing anyone can do is to try their best to prepare for whatever tomorrow might bring.

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