Phaze Concrete Advises Homeowners on How to Prepare a Home for Renovation

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Renovating a home is no easy task. Even though this is an exciting time of change and possibilities, it can also be extremely inconvenient for the homeowner. The need to relocate belongings and possibly the family’s lives for a few months is daunting. Of course, project size and duration determine the extent of the inconvenience. However, every project comes with its own unique challenges.

Phaze Concrete has experienced many home renovations. Therefore, they understand the different struggles homeowners face. While it is impossible to relieve all the stress, Phaze Concrete wishes to share what their experience. Therefore, Phaze Concrete provides advice to homeowners on how to best prepare a home for renovation.

Check Out Your Contractor

The contractor that you choose to renovate your home needs to be certified, trustworthy and efficient. After all, this company is not only going to be inside your home, they will also be crafting it. Therefore, their background and their skills must be acceptable. Figuring out the best contractor to fit your needs is essential. Homeowners really need to do some detective work in this area. Do not settle for their website’s reviews. Get reviews and recommendations from people you trust. Additionally, a serious contractor should have proof of these four items:

Contractor’s license

Certificate general liability insurance

Lien history

Bond number and certification

Every legitimate contractor should be able to easily produce these items. In fact, they should be proud to show you. Having positive, industry qualifications such as these are were acquired through hard work and dedication.

Plan for the Family’s Needs

Every family is different. That is why it is so important to plan for the needs of your family before renovation begins. If you have children, especially if they are small, take their nap schedule into account. Renovating is loud, and it will not revolve around your child’s sleep schedule (if you ever want to finish renovating.) Therefore, it is important to make other arrangements if necessary. For your pets, make sure they are safe and secure. There are dangerous tools that are going to be throughout the work area. It is easy for an accident to occur. Thus, keeping pets away is the easiest way to ensure their safety.

Plus, do not forget about you and your significant other. During the time of the renovation, it will be loud and there will be a lot of dust. If this is something that you foresee being an issue, the family might want to make other arrangements during the renovation.

Run the Numbers (Realistically)

Everyone has a budget. However, when renovating, they get caught up in the excitement of it all. Being excited, of course, is good, but that can easily lead to overspending, which is not so good. Therefore, it is important to crunch the numbers and decide what you can realistically afford. Once you have a realistic budget set, you must stick to it. Sometimes, that means compromising, but that is better than putting your financial situation at risk.

In summation, Phaze Concrete has been a part of the community for over a decade. Personally, many people within the company have been a part of the community for much longer. Therefore, Phaze Concrete is always looking to do what they can to help their neighbors. Sharing their experience and advice is one of the best ways this business can think of to help everyone succeed.

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